Sunday, November 25, 2012

It's That Time Again...

It's that time of the year again. The countdown to Christmas is on--not necessarily for me, but for seemingly every store, supermarket, Internet and TV advert, and bargain home store. Usually I can hold out until at least the 1st of December before I start decorating and I usually don't put that much effort in, considering I'm usually going home for Christmas.

 However, this year, I'm staying in England for Christmas. This is my first Christmas in England, my first Christmas away from home. I've decided to actually put some effort in. So, on the particularly wet and miserable evening that was last night, I bought the first round of decorations. A 3-foot artificial tree for the entryway, snow globe (complete with Santa), candles, window hangings and garland. I dread to think what the place will look like when Christmas actually rolls around. Must stick to a budget. Must stick to a budget. Must not spend more than half my entire bank account on Christmas decorations...sounds like a reasonable budget.

 Work has been rolling on, as it tends to do. Not much to comment on work. It's there. It pays my rent and living expenses. The kids make it worth it. I will definitely have to make some post about those darn kids saying the darndest things, just waiting to accumulate a good collection.

  I went to see Phantom of the Opera with Leigh at the beginning of the week. This is my first experience seeing the show on the stage and I definitely loved it.

See? Really thrilled.

I am beginning to accumulate a huge amount of memorabilia from trips, events and outings since I've moved here. Plane tickets, show tickets, movie stubs, luggage tags, museum leaflets...I probably should make some type of scrapbook but, honestly, who wants to do that? You, random reader? Are you going to make a scrapbook for me?

Didn't think so.

That was quite sharp of me, apologies.

 I am in the process of looking for a new place to live. Several options, all quite feasible and would be a nice change of scenery. As always, stay tuned for new developments.

This Tuesday marked the 20th anniversary of the passing of someone I miss and love every single day. I was only 5 years old and it has changed me more than I will ever understand. I thought about finding some quaint little quote from the Internet, but rather than use the words that are not my own, I will simply say that I love you, I miss you and I hope that you are happy and at peace. That's all I could ever ask.

That could be read as all I ask of you. (Get it?)