This has been an incredibly busy week, news-wise. Starting in Northampton, we have the appearance of "Super Granny"...a 70-odd-year-old pensioner who saw a robbery happening here in town in broad daylight and ran (literally ran) into the middle of it, swinging her handbag. Hilarious and amazing all at once. To see it for yourself... (I tried saving the Youtube video to upload took too long and I want to go to bed)
Meanwhile, beyond the borders of Northampton, Egypt is in the midst of a revolt. I spent a good part of the evening listening to AlJazeera and watching the coverage of the Presidential speech. The President has said that he is not stepping down and it looks like Egypt might be on the brink of a revolution. A commentator said that it could be "the bloodiest revolution in world history"
What a scary thought. This is a once-in-a-lifetime story that we are witnessing. I have to say that, both in amazing and horrifying ways, my generation has seen many history-making moments. The fall of the Berlin Wall (sure, I was 2 when it happened, but I was still around!),Tiananmen Square (again, something I lived through at the ripe old age of 2), 9/11, the first black President of the United States, the war in the Middle East, and now Egypt is possibly hours away from revolution. It's times like these that really awe me at the way global communication and global relationships have shrunk and changed throughout the last 20 years or so. What do the next 20 years hold? What will our next generation live through and witness?
One day away from the weekend, one week away from Ireland. It's so easy to become so accustomed to my routine that what's happening outside my own world just tends to slip by. It's time to start paying attention, apparently.
On a side note, I was watching the NHL highlights from last nights Habs-Bruins game...what a wild game! 180+ penalty minutes, a goalie-on-goalie fight, sticks and gloves flying every which way, high scores (sadly, Montreal was on the losing end)...Good Lord I miss hockey!
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