Sunday, November 6, 2011

Recent 'Wins'

This story begins before the half-term break (which already seems like it was months, rather than a couple of weeks, ago). We had HMI representatives come in to inspect the school to make sure that the school was making an adequate amount of progress since changing from a public school to an academy. Every teacher had the possibility of being inspected, and because of this, tensions were a bit high around the school during the 2-day visit. Full, detailed, lesson plans and resources were required for every lesson (these plans took me at least 60-90 minutes each to complete), which could be 6 lessons/day if you were oh so lucky.

Anyway, I was inspected on the last day of the HMI visit and went with my colleagues to line up nervously for my feedback. I always get a little antsy when I am getting feedback from lesson observations, but this was much worse as I had to share my results with the admin team who would pass them onto the senior team (AKA the big bosses). It was finally my turn and, while I was pretending to choke myself with my lanyard, the inspector came out to greet me. I was starting the meeting off well. He gave me my feedback which turned out to be an "Outstanding," the best grade possible. Slightly stunned, I thanked him and went to tell the good news. The next day, the headmaster came to congratulate me and Nikki for our 'Outstanding' results. Can't complain about that.

Now, onto half-term! I got the first flight available to Norway and I was so happy to be there. I spent the first few days really keeping myself busy. Walks around the lake, naps, hanging out with Michelle & helping celebrate her son's first know, the usual. One thing I did learn though, is always check to see where the path you are walking on leads to. Otherwise, you just might walk through a cemetery as they are freshly digging a grave. Slightly awkward. The rest of the week was spent hanging out with Sarah & Kristian, going out for dinner and drinks, movies and getting knocked around by Kristian's parents St Bernard 'puppy.' Giant horse in training is a more apt description of her.

The final weekend of my visit consisted of eating. Seriously. That's all it felt like. This consisted of a huge family dinner on Saturday night and going out to eat with his family before heading back to England on Sunday. Oh, and I carved an amazing Halloween pumpkin that looked like Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas. I love him. I was sad to leave him in Norway.

And now here we are. Back at school and back in the thick of it. We Will Rock You goes up in 25 days and I am working my ass off for it. We have so much left to do, and there doesn't seem enough time to do it. I will make this a great show or die trying. I swear.

The countdown still remains for my return to Canada for Christmas: 41 & counting!

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