Sunday, January 15, 2012

Back To...

Back to work, back to routine. Back to convincing myself that it is a good idea to get out of my warm bed at godawfulearly o'clock in the morning to get showered and ready for work. Back to walking to work in the dark and walking home in the dark.

Dammit I'm ready for winter to be over. Or I'm ready for it to be proper winter so my cold-climate body can accept it and adjust to the fact. There is no snow on the ground, it's been above freezing (well above--I'm talking like 12 degrees above some days) since I came back from Canada and in my mind, that means spring. No snow? Spring. Warm temperatures? Spring. Mud on the road when I walk to work? Spring. Damn loud birds? Spring. It's the middle of January and, to me, it feels like it should be March or April. I'm not used to having only 2 seasons in England--summer..and not summer. I may be being a little patronizing here, which isn't really my intent. I think I'm just finding it hard to adjust back to the climate. Before I know it, 'spring' will be here and the days will be getting longer and the calendar will finally catch up to the weather here.

School has been going well, I'm (mostly) back into the routine of work. My year 10 class, upon receiving their latest piece of coursework (basically an end-of-unit test) have decided that I am a very tough teacher to impress and "you basically have to be perfect" to get a high grade in my class (their words). To what? I have high expectations for them. They'll appreciate it someday. I love teaching them, I like challenging them and seeing their pride when they accomplish something to be proud of. There is a method in my madness...I swear.

I've also decided to start taking BSL (British Sign Language) classes at school. A support worker at school offered to teach staff members basic sign language and I signed up. It would be really helpful to be able to communicate with my hearing-impaired students...and a good skill to have, regardless of what field I work in. Here's to hoping I don't accidentally mix up some hand gestures and say something incredibly rude. ...knowing me, it would happen.

The count-down is on again...less than a month to go until half-term holidays. Destination? Yet to be determined. Stay tuned.

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