Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Got It!!

Yes, it's true!! I've got it!

A new roommate, that is. (Oh, isn't that a nasty little trick?)

I did have my interview at school today and I am optimistic (and hopeful x10) about it. Sadly, I have to wait until Friday or the beginning of next week until all candidates are interviewed to know whether I got the post or not. Good thing I have patience abounding.

But, what I do have for sure and certain is a new roommate! He came to view the place on Sunday and, Monday afternoon, I told him that he'd be welcome to move in. He's a really great guy, laid back and easygoing. I'm looking forward to having someone else around the place... I just hope he's ready to live with the little whirlwind that is me.

So, until next time--whenever I hear back about the job--fingers crossed and optimistic thoughts!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

And So the Hunt Begins.

I am in the market for a new roommate. While I have thoroughly enjoyed the last few months of living alone, I have realized that if I want to keep travelling at every half-term and long weekend (and go back to Canada twice a year), it would probably be pretty handy to have someone help out with the bills. So, the hunt is on for a roommate that:
--Is considerate
--Is mature, responsible, dependable
--A nonsmoker
--Won't steal my stuff or annoy the life out of me on a daily basis
And, the little things that matter so know, not have any prior murder convictions, no restraining orders taken out against them, be able to speak the same language, not lurk around the apartment like Dracula looking for his next victim...

I met with one guy who came to view the place. My last roommate requirement (actually, the previous 2) were made with him in mind. This man, Ivan, shows up and he spoke no English, despite contacting me in flawless English. A nice little surprise for me. He also looked like something out of A)a Hannibal movie or B)a Stephen King book. The guy gave me the downright creeps. He was out as soon as possible and I told my doorman to not let him in if he sees him again. Creeeeeep. I've met with 2 other people so far, with some more prospects available. Fingers crossed!

School-related items now: I have an interview this coming Wednesday for my job at Malcolm Arnold to become a permanent post. It looks like I may have the potential to be kicking around England for the next few years. I'm looking forward to my interview, but I wish it were Monday morning so I could get it done and over with!

The drama club has just begun rehearsals on the school musical, We Will Rock You. I am sooo excited and so happy that my faculty head asked me to help out. I really miss being involved in drama and choir--this combines the best of both worlds! The show will go up the first week of December--a long way away, I realize, but it will be worth it in the long run. (And, the school has to hire me back now! I need to see We Will Rock You through until opening night!)

Onto the more fun things in life...I leave for Paris & Norway in 15 days! A 6-day trip to Paris followed up by a 9 day trip to Norway and that makes for one hell of a half-term holiday! I am very excited to go and excited to get even more stamps on my passport :).

I had very good intentions of making this a really productive day and, somewhere in the middle of the naps and Corner Gas marathon, that hasn't exactly come to pass. I have finished marking my books and plan to get Monday's lessons all planned before bed tonight. And I did some errands around that kinda counts. Right now, however, I am sitting in my dark apartment marking Earth Hour. No planning possible in the dark!...Does being on my laptop defeat the purpose of Earth Hour? It's battery-powered if that makes it any better.

I think I can also safely say that spring has arrived in England. The better part of the last week saw temperatures around 15 or 16 degrees and sunny every day. The weather is beautiful here and I plan to enjoy it before the rain sets in again. I still miss the snow and cold from back home, but I have to admit I am enjoying the sunshine months earlier than I'm used to!

The next post will be one of three things:

--A celebratory note that I have found a roommate that is not a certified creeper
--A celebratory note about a successful job interview or,
--A farewell letter to England because I was not rehired and, in a fit of rage, I burned down my school and ran away to Norway. Don't tell the cops.

PS--Happy election season Canada! I'm registering to vote from abroad and I am excited to help take part in the downfall of Harper and his minions. Hopefully.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Little Pick-me-Up

If you are ever, ever having a bad day at work or a bad day in here.

PS, happy St Patrick's Day! Here's to green beer, Irish music & cute bartenders. ...Reminds me of Dublin. Cheers!

Friday, March 11, 2011

From Funny to Creepy. Story of My Life.

I miss the days when I wasn't called "baby" and was, instead, addressed as "Miss" by my students.

I also miss the days when I didn't have students come up behind me and put their arms around me. Or tell me they love me.

Teenage boys should be required to take several cold showers per day.

In other news, 4 weeks to go until the Easter break! And, that means.......2/3 of the way done the school year! Looking back on it, it's incredible how fast the year has gone. And how far I've progressed in just a few short months! I've met some incredible people and had some amazing experiences...lots good, lots bad. It's been great.

Mid-term break is a bit up in the air right's either Rome or Paris...oh, what a life, to have to choose between two beautiful and gorgeous cities to spend a holiday in...

I honestly don't know how I do it sometimes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Career Advice

"Miss? You know what you should do to make more money?"
"Hmm? What's that now?" (I never, never learn...)
"Make a porno!"

Ladies and gentlemen, your citizens of tomorrow. In English class today.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Everyone Loves Leftovers

Well, hell. It's back to school and back to full-time school-mode. It was Year 10 parents evening tonight and, after a long and somewhat stressful day, I was more than ready to head home and medicate myself with Glee re-runs.

I've put up a fraction of my Ireland pictures on Facebook. It was so fun to go through them and re-live the memories. Yes, I realize I've only been home for less than a week. I don't care. Ireland is tied with Norway for ultimate happy place now. And, looking back on my Dublin entry, I left out some funny little stories that I'd like to share now...everyone loves leftovers!

--On our very first night in Dublin...actually about 5 minutes into our very first night...we were walking toward Temple Bar, down an alley, when a voice came from a doorway: "Oh! Watch it there love...don't step in..." and I realized this sweet man was warning me to watch my step and not step in the puddle of urine he was creating. How sweet. (PS--Public urination? Rather common in Temple Bar so it would seem.)

--While waiting for the bus to take us to Kilmainhem (which never came...), Angela & I saw a man that looked exactly like Winston Churchill. If you know anything, anything, about me at all, you would realize just how much this would excite me. I whispered to Angela (I was so excited that I probably spit a, I know) and I debated on whether or not to try and surreptitiously take his picture. Then I realized that little Winston seemed to be having a very intense conversation with himself so I left it alone.

--At Temple Bar one evening, Angela went to get drinks and, about 45 seconds after she left her seat, a guy with long, dirty and manky-looking dreadlocks (some guys can pull them off and look hot...this gentleman could not) took her place, sitting down and giving me the "How you doin'?" smile. I said that I was with someone and he said "oh you're f**kin killin me!" and got up. After he got up, a middle-aged man walked over and said "well, you can't really blame him can you..." and then winked in a certified creeper way (for further explanation, see here). I gave an uncomfortable laugh and said something about going to find my friend and bachelor #2 walked away. I sat back in my chair and someone put their hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around to find bachelor #3 giving me the up and down look and saying "well, you can't blame them can you...I wouldn't be able to help it." Angela then came back and I had to relate the entire thing to her. Just as I finished, the couple sitting at the table next to us leaned over and the husband said, "good thing you came back! You wouldn't believe how many times your mate got hit on!" ...Good thing it was dark in there, I was blushing to my hairline.

--Creepers aside, everyone was so genuinely nice in Dublin. Angela & I were looking at our little guide map, figuring out where to go, when a worker from a pub came outside and asked if we needed help or needed directions. Being me, I said that we were fine and I thought we were just going for a wander...I didn't realize Angela actually wanted directions...whoops. Anyone we met was so friendly and willing to talk to us and offer us suggestions for tourist spots or give us directions.

--The cab driver who was taking us to the airport to catch our flight home thought it was extremely hilarious that I was still hung-over from the night before and swapped stories with me on the drive.

I'm sure there are so many more stories and tales that I could write about...but that would get old real quick for most of you out there (anyone out there...?). To sum it up...go to Ireland. Get on a plane and go. The weather will be wet, the welcome will be warm and the cider will be deliciously cold.

Annnd, it's back to school more drinking on Monday nights. Well...I could. It would just make for a long-ass day on Tuesday. And, to end, a couple odd questions to add to the list of things my students have asked:

--Miss? Do you bleach your teeth? (This is from the same student who asked what kind of toothpaste I used. This question was asked when I was explaining their writing assessment piece. How the two are related? I never thought to ask.)
--Miss? You know the Canadian army, right? it, like, the American army? Does it belong to America?
--Miss? You know, in Canadiana-- "That's Canada." --Well, yeah. Do you hate all Americans?
--Isn't Arnold Schwarzenegger your president or something?

Ah yes. It's good to be back.