Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One of the Best

In my Year 9 English class, I have a certain Scottish lad--we'll call him Angus, just to be stereotypical. Angus, dear Angus, was the only student who absolutely hated watching the Lion King because he had an "issue" with the fact that the animals--namely the monkey, Rafiki--spoke, sang and acted human.**

So, knowing Angus' aversion to talking animals, I was hesitant (by hesitant, I mean spitefully gleeful...but in a nice way) to tell him that he was going to be watching Alice in Wonderland as an end-of-year treat while they worked. So, when the little mouse appeared on screen, complete with a miniature rapier, one of the girls leaned over to Angus and said, "Angus, do you have an issue with the mouse having a knife?"
And Angus...dear, sweet, Angus, replied: "No! Of course the mouse has a knife...he needs it to cut his cheese!"

I laughed so loudly that the students couldn't hear the movie.

**I know what you're thinking. Yes, we watched the Lion King during school. It was related to the curriculum. The students had to produce a piece of writing comparing the plot of the Lion King to Hamlet. English win in your face.
**I also realize that I really need need to teach Angus the meaning of "anthropomorphism."

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